
Dental fillings

In the dental and diagnostic center Skylab we use superior aesthetic materials with which we make composite fillings and composite veneers.

What is a dental filling?

A dental filling is a filling that fills a cavity in the dental tissue that is the result of decay (caries). We know direct and indirect dental fillings.

With the help of a dental filling, we replace the lost tooth structure (tooth decay, tooth fracture). In the Skylab dental and diagnostic center, we use superior aesthetic materials with which we make composite white fillings.

White fillings / white fillings

White fillings / white fillings give the teeth a natural look, and are very popular from an aesthetic point of view. White caps enable:
  • maximum aesthetics or natural appearance of the tooth,
  • long-term durability and durability of fillings,
  • minimum sanding and
  • maximum preservation of healthy dental tissue.
By making a white filling or white fillings thus achieve maximum aesthetics and the natural appearance of the tooth, while at the same time they are very durable and durable. In doing so, we preserve a lot of healthy tooth tissue, and grind the tooth to a minimum.


is the reshaping and elimination of irregularities of the tooth crown with the help of composite material for white fillings. The advantage of such a procedure is that it is possible to achieve a perfect aesthetic appearance of the tooth in one visit.

Ceramic inlay / onlay fillings

In case of major tooth damage, we decide to make ceramic inlays and onlays. These are fillings that are made using modern technology in a dental laboratory and attached to the tooth in the dental office. They are extremely high quality and durable.

Novost v Sloveniji!


so narejene iz visoko prečiščenih sestavin brez sproščanja BPA, kar zagotavlja njihovo popolno neškodljivost za vaše zdravje. Na voljo že v našem Dentalnem centru!

Are you interested in the price of a white filling or the inlay / onlay filling?

Superb dental office and X-ray diagnostic center where we take care of the most important things – your health and a beautiful smile – in a professional and modern manner.

About us

The investment was supported by the Public Fund of the Republic of Slovenia for Entrepreneurship. The DIGITAL MARKETING VOUCHER investment (website creation) is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.

© 2022 All rights reserved

CBCT/3D slikanje čeljusti

Aparat zajame več posameznih posnetkov (prerezov) določenega predela in jih združi v celoto. Na ta način dobimo 3D prikaz, torej ne samo višino in širino, temveč tudi globino. CBCT posnetki se uporabljajo v primerih načrtovanja bolj kompliciranih kirurških posegov, kot so vstavljanje implantatov, komplicirane odstranitve cist in neizrazlih modrostnikov, sum na skrite prelomne čeljusti ipd.

RVG lokalni posnetek

Če želimo bolj natančno sliko določenega predela z veliko natančnih detajlov, naredim RVG lokalni posnetek s katerim zajamemo področje 1-2 zoba, posamzeno razpoko, plombo ali granulom.

Ortopan posnetek

Pri prvem pregledu pacienta v našem centru obvezno naredimo ortopantomagrski posnetek (ortopan). S tem posnetkom zajamemo področje obeh čeljusti in sosednjih tkiv in struktur. Zato je ortopan odličen za ugotovaljanje začetnega stanja pred načrtovanjem nadaljnega zdravljenja. Odličen je tudi za občasne kontrole zdravja ustne votline