In our diagnostic center, we offer complete X-ray diagnostics of teeth - dental X-ray/imaging of teeth and dental jaws in one place. Fast, reliable and affordable, with the most modern equipment.
During the first examination of a patient in our center, we must take an orthopantomogram (orthopan). With this recording, we capture the area of both jaws and adjacent tissues and structures. Therefore, orthopan is excellent for determining the initial condition before planning further treatment. It is also great for periodic oral health checks
If we want a more accurate image of a specific area with many precise details, I make an RVG local recording, which captures the area of 1-2 teeth, a single crack, filling or granule.
The device captures several individual images (sections) of a certain area and combines them into a whole. In this way, we get a 3D display, i.e. not only height and width, but also depth. CBCT images are used in cases of planning more complicated surgical interventions, such as the insertion of implants, complicated removal of cysts and indistinct wisdom teeth, suspicion of hidden broken jaws, etc.
RTG – in CT- posnetki nam omogočajo, da zanesljivo in pravočasno ugotovimo prisotnost bolezenskih sprememb, ki jih pri navadnem zobozdravniškem pregledu pogosto ne vidimo, kot so npr.:
karies pod plombo ali prevleko,
vnetne procese na korenini zoba (granulom, cista),
zlom korenine zoba,
parodontalno bolezen,
korenine zaostale po puljenju zoba,
kakovost polnitve koreninskega kanala,
natančno pozicioniranje implantatov pri vstavitvi (implantati znamke Straumann – št. 1 v svetu).
Superb dental office and X-ray diagnostic center where we take care of the most important things – your health and a beautiful smile – in a professional and modern manner.
The investment was supported by the Public Fund of the Republic of Slovenia for Entrepreneurship. The DIGITAL MARKETING VOUCHER investment (website creation) is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.