

Meet our excellent personnel!

At Skylab dentistry, you are accompanied by professional, qualified and compassionate staff with a strong sense of humanity.

Ana Franjković, dr. dent. med.

Ana Franjković completed her studies at the Faculty of Dentistry as one of the best students of her generation. She has been successfully working as a dentist in Slovenia and at a private polyclinic in Croatia for more than a decade. He maintains his professional knowledge at a high level, among other things, he regularly attends professional meetings and workshops in Slovenia, Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Liechtenstein and Croatia. She actively participated in professional debates at congresses and presented her professional contributions there. She is a member of the Medical Chamber of Slovenia, the Professional Association of Private Doctors and Dentists of Slovenia and the Croatian Chamber of Dental Doctors. dr. Ana Franjković is known among her patients as an extremely professional and friendly dentist, to whom patients always like to return.

Mirna Franjković, dr. dent. med.

Dr. Mirna Franjković completed her studies in dental medicine at the Faculty of Dentistry in Zagreb with honors. Already during her studies, she was interested in aesthetic dentistry, endodontics and dental prosthetics. For some time, she participated in work with students at the removable prosthetics chair of Prof. Dr.Sc. A. Čelebić. After completing his studies, he continues his career in Slovenia, where he has been working successfully for many years in the private dental practice Skylab in Čatež. He regularly improves his knowledge at numerous congresses and workshops. Her professional and friendly attitude towards patients has helped many to overcome their fear of dental procedures. Dr. Mirna is a member of the Medical Chamber of Slovenia, the Professional Association of Private Doctors and Dentists of Slovenia, the MEMA network and the Community of Slovenian Entrepreneurs.

Primož Jager dr.dent.med.,
specialist oralne kirurgije

Primož Jager dr.dent.med.je leta 2000 diplomiral na Medicinski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani. Leta 2008 je uspešno končal štiriletno specializacijo s področja oralne kirurgije.Od vsega začetka spremlja vse novosti na področju oralne kirurgije in se udeležuje vseh pomembnih strokovnih srečanj v Sloveniji in v tujini. Ima več kot 10 let izkušenj pri vstavljanju zobnih implantatov in opravljanju najzahtevnejših kirurških posegov.

Superb dental office and X-ray diagnostic center where we take care of the most important things – your health and a beautiful smile – in a professional and modern manner.

About us

The investment was supported by the Public Fund of the Republic of Slovenia for Entrepreneurship. The DIGITAL MARKETING VOUCHER investment (website creation) is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.

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