

Endodontics – root canal treatment of a tooth

Endodontics or root canal treatment is a procedure that is used when the inflammation of the dental nerve has progressed to such an extent that it cannot be preserved. Root canal treatment – endodontics is the treatment of the root canal of the tooth, which prevents the spread of infection to the bone and thereby preserves the tooth.

How does root canal treatment work?

  • Endodontics – root canal treatment is carried out as follows:
  • The dental nerve must be removed from the root canal,
  • the empty space must be expanded, disinfected and
  • permanently fill with biocompatible material.
In this way we prevent:
  • spread of bacteria,
  • bone inflammation,
  • the appearance of a granuloma or a purulent abscess (inflammation), which can lead to the destruction of bones and the development of serious health problems.
The procedure is completely painless (local anesthesia). It is most often performed in one visit to the dentist, which increases the success rate of the procedure and is also more pleasant for the patient.
Successful root canal treatment is a prerequisite for any subsequent intervention on the tooth – dental fillings, dental veneers. For an accurate diagnosis and condition of the tooth, we perform X-ray DENTAL DIAGNOSIS – imaging of teeth and jaws.
Unpleasant and painful root canal treatment that took weeks or months is a thing of the past at Skylab Dental and Diagnostic Center. Now we usually arrange this in just 1 visit to our office. Painless and effective.

Are you interested in the price of root canal treatment?

Superb dental office and X-ray diagnostic center where we take care of the most important things – your health and a beautiful smile – in a professional and modern manner.

About us

The investment was supported by the Public Fund of the Republic of Slovenia for Entrepreneurship. The DIGITAL MARKETING VOUCHER investment (website creation) is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.

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CBCT/3D slikanje čeljusti

Aparat zajame več posameznih posnetkov (prerezov) določenega predela in jih združi v celoto. Na ta način dobimo 3D prikaz, torej ne samo višino in širino, temveč tudi globino. CBCT posnetki se uporabljajo v primerih načrtovanja bolj kompliciranih kirurških posegov, kot so vstavljanje implantatov, komplicirane odstranitve cist in neizrazlih modrostnikov, sum na skrite prelomne čeljusti ipd.

RVG lokalni posnetek

Če želimo bolj natančno sliko določenega predela z veliko natančnih detajlov, naredim RVG lokalni posnetek s katerim zajamemo področje 1-2 zoba, posamzeno razpoko, plombo ali granulom.

Ortopan posnetek

Pri prvem pregledu pacienta v našem centru obvezno naredimo ortopantomagrski posnetek (ortopan). S tem posnetkom zajamemo področje obeh čeljusti in sosednjih tkiv in struktur. Zato je ortopan odličen za ugotovaljanje začetnega stanja pred načrtovanjem nadaljnega zdravljenja. Odličen je tudi za občasne kontrole zdravja ustne votline